Sermon Archives
Sermon Archives
- Part 1 - Shabbat Vayishlach - December 6, 2014
- Part 2 - Shabbat Vayishlach - December 6, 2014
- Lessons from Ferguson, For Us and For Israel - Shabbat Vayetze - November 29, 2014
- Shabbat Toldot - November 22, 2014
- Shabbat Noach - October 25, 2014
- Are Curiosity and Religiosity Compatible? - Shabbat Bereshit - October 18. 2014
- Labor Day and the Jews - Shabbat Ki Tetzei - September 6, 2014
- Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons - Shabbat Korach - June 21, 2014
- Are We Part of the "Evil Congregation"? - Shabbat Shelach Lecha - June 14, 2014
- "Que Sera, Sera!" v. "Do the Right Thing!" - Shabbat Behukkotai - May 16, 2014
- "Notes for Shabbat HaGadol drashah" - Shabbat HaGadol - April 12, 2014
- "Maintaining Pure Homes" - Shabbat Mitzorah - April 5, 2014
- "Why Do We Eat Matzah?" - Shabbat Tazria - March 29, 2014
- "Let's Celebrate" -Shabbat Vayikra - March 8, 2014
- "Looking Back and Looking Forward" - Shabbat Pekudei March 1, 2014
- "The Importance of Character" - Shabbat Ki Tissa - February 15, 2014
- "The Importance of Doing It All the Time, Every Day" - Shabbat Titsaveh - February 8, 2014
- "What Would Yitro Say?" - Shabbat Yitro - January 18, 2014
- "Taking the Initiative: Reflections on Ariel Sharon" - Shabbat Bo - January 4, 2014
- "What's So Special About the Number 17?" - Shabbat Vayechi - December 14, 2013
- "A Tribute to Nelson Mandela" - Shabbat Vayiggash - December 6, 2013
- "What They Said -- And What They Didn't Say" - World Series Reflections - November 2, 2013
- "What Do Janet Yellen and Scarlett Johansson Have in Common?" - Shabbat Lech L'Cha - October 12, 2013
- The Challenge of Hatikvah - Shabbat Parashiyot Tazria - Metzora - April 28, 2012
- Why Do So Many Jews Become Doctors? - Shabbat Lech Lecha - October 27, 2012
- The Limits of Freedom- Shabbat HaGadol- March 27, 2010
- Times Change, Attitudes Change- Do Words Change? - May 22, 2010
- The Flotilla Fiasco- Sh'lach L'cha- June 5, 2010
- A Great Moral Issue of Our Time - Vayera - October 23, 2010
- The Mitzvah to Contribute- Terumah- February 28, 2009
- The On-Going Struggle for Freedom- Vayikra- March 28, 2009
- Tum'ah and Taharah on Shabbat Tekumah- Tazria-Metzora- April 25, 2009
- God's Providence- Sukkot- October 3, 2009
- A Serious Man- Chaye Sarah- November 14, 2009
- Appearances can be Deceiving- Toldot- November 21, 2009
- The Mishkan- Terumah- February 9, 2008
- Public Needs- Pekudei- March 8, 2008
- Crimes versus Sins- Tsav- March 22, 2008
- Helping "Your Brother" - Behar- May 17, 2008
- Three Lessons from the Wilderness Generation- B'midbar- May 31, 2008
- Political Rhetoric- Sh'lach- June 21, 2008
- The Times They Are a-Changing- Ki Tetze- September 13, 2008
- "I was for it before I was against it!"- The Value of Regret- Bereishit- October 25, 2008
- The Election- Lech L'cha- November 8, 2008
- Money- Chaye Sarah- November 22, 2008
- Three Reasons Not to be Ostentatious- Especially During a Recession- Toldot- November 29, 2008
- "Milk"- Vayeshev- December 20, 2008
- Reading the Exodus Story- Vaeyra- January 20, 2007
- In the Wake of Virginia Tech- Tazria-Metzora- April 21, 2007
- "Just Right"? --or "Just Right"? - Emor- May 5, 2007
- Moral Superiority- Behar Buhukkotai- May 12, 2007
- Do Not Forget!- Ki Tetze- August 25, 2007
- Kohelet at Sukkot? Why? - Shabbat Hol Ha-Moed Sukkot- September 29, 2007
- Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Vayehi - January 14, 2006
- Not Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World- B'Shallach- February 11, 2006
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies- Ki Tissa- March 18, 2006
- A Letter from Persia- Emor- May 13, 2006
- The Spirit of Change- Naso- June 10, 2006
- The Turning Point- B'haalotcha- June 17, 2006
- Soul-Searching and the Tochacha- Ki Tavo- September 9, 2006
- The Question of Torture- Bereishit- October 21, 2006
- The Uniqueness of the Story of Noah's Ark- Noah- October 28, 2006
- What Does it Mean to Call Upon the Name of the Lord?- Lech L'cha- November 4, 2006
- The Righteousness Uncertainty Principle- Vayetze- December 2, 2006
- A Response to Murderous Zeolotry- Mas'ei- August 5, 2005
- Restoring Our Brothers' Losses- Ki Tetze- September 17, 2005
- Is Today Two Days After Yom Kippur or Two Days Before Sukkot?- Ha'azinu- October 15, 2005
- The Evolution of Sibling Relationships in the Torah- Toldot- December 3, 2005
- Martin Luther King Day - January 19, 2004
- Reflections on Mel Gibson's Depiction of the Passion of Jesus of Nazareth- Terumah- February 28, 2004
- "One Nation Under God?"- Vayikra- March 2004
- The Use and Misuse of Money- Ki Tissa- March 13, 2004
- "Dayeinu! But is it enough for us?"- Vayakhel-Pekudei- March 20, 2004
- Humiliation as Blasphemy- Emor- May 8, 2004
- Reflections on the Death of President Ronald Reagan - Sh'lach L'cha - June 11, 2004
- Korach v. Moses- Korach- June 19, 2004
- Wells of "Contention" and "Hostility"--or of "Wide Open Spaces"- Toldot- November 13, 2004
- The Power of Intimacy- Vayiggash- December 18, 2004
- The Fog of Holiness and the Fog of War- Pekudei- March 8, 2003
- Minimizing the Contamination of War- Parah- March 22, 2003
- Who to Quarantine- and Who Not to Quarantine- Tazria- April 5, 2003
- How Not to Complain- B'haalotcha- June 21, 2003
- Israel- An "Ahuzat Olam" - Chaye Sarah- November 22, 2003
- The Uses and Abuses of Biblical Stories- Bo- January 19, 2002
- Yitro (Jethro): The Model Ger Tsedek- Yitro- February 2, 2002
- Why are there so many Jewish Lawyers?- Mishpatim- February 9, 2002
- How is this Passover Different from all other Passovers?- Vayakhel-Pekudei- March 9, 2002
- Will the Plant be Uprooted? - Aharei Mot- April 20, 2002
- Hanokh La – Na'ar Al Pi Darko- Emor- April 27, 2002
- It is not up to you to complete the task, but neither are you free to desist from it - B'midbar- May 11, 2002
- Labor Day- Nitzavim-Vayelech- September 2, 2002
- "Go Forth!"- into a Challenging, at times Hostile, World- Lech L'cha- October 19, 2002
- Truth: A Grievous Casualty- Chaye Sarah- November 2, 2002
- Before Whom and To Whom We Pray- Vayetze- November 16, 2002
- The Voice is the Voice of Jacob - A Tribute to Abba Eban - Vayishlach - November 23, 2002
- Life: A Meta-Mitzvah- Nitzavim- September 15, 2001
- The Importance of Jewish Peoplehood- Shekalim- March 3, 2000
- Labor Day 2000- September 4, 2000
- Lessons for Our New President- November 7, 1992
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
1999 | 1998 |1996| 1995 | 1994 | 1993
- “In the Spiritual Gym” — Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “The More Things Change, the More the Challenges Remain the Same” — Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Let This Be Your Legacy” — Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “The Time to Re-invent Ourselves” — Kol Nidre
- “Stop the World, I want to get off!” — Yom Kippur
- “Greetings on Erev Rosh Hashanah” — Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” — Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Snapshots from an Interfaith Trip to Israel” — Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Let’s Start Over, Together, Here, Now” — Kol Nidre
- “Kherpat Ra’av: The Shame of Hunger” — Yom Kippur
- “Do You Like Lobster?” — Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “The Walled Garden” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Why Are You Here?” — Kol Nidre
- “What Do We Wish For?” — Yom Kippur
- “Does Religion Poison Everything? (A Response to God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens)” — Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Ascending the Hierarchy of Holiness” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Compiling a Yom Kippur ‘Life List’” — Kol Nidre
- “Writing Ourselves into the Book of Life” — Yom Kippur
- “It’s Not Over” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Jewish Identity in Wal-Mart Country–and Elsewhere” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Re-Shaping Our Souls” — Kol Nidre
- “Being Present” — Yom Kippur
- “Finding A Place to Pray” – Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “Our Eyes Have Been Opened” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “The Tenth Trial” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “The Art of the Apology” – Kol Nidre
- “Is Jewish Survival Enough?” – Yom Kippur
- “Yizkor, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah”– Shmini Atzeret Yizkor
- “Getting Started” – Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “Who is an Authentic Jew?” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Israel: The Reality” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “To Tell The Truth” – Kol Nidre
- “Two Kinds of Hillel Sandwich” – Yom Kippur
- “Changing (or Re-Charging) our Spiritual Batteries” – Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “Yom Tov and Yom Norah” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Je me souviens: I Remember Who I Am” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die” – Kol Nidre
- “Be an Important Person” – Yom Kippur
- “Blessings for Good and in Vain” – Erev Rosh Hashanah
- “The Tower of Terror” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Maintaining Hope in Difficult Times” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Teshuvah—Better Late Than Never” – Kol Nidre
- “Names” – Yom Kippur
- “Bearing Unspeakable Loss” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “What is Zionism?” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Three Ways Our Memories Can Fail Us: And What To Do About It” – Kol Nidre
- “Lessons From the Obituary Page” – Yom Kippur
- “Americans or Jews? and Other Questions in the Wake of the Lieberman Nomination” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “The Zionist Dream...and the Reality” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Taking Time to Smell the Roses” – Kol Nidre
- “Three Hidden Truths: Living With Uncertainty” – Yom Kippur
- “Life, The Movie” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Israel Sermon” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “How Is This Night Different?” – Kol Nidre
- “The Broken Tablets: Living With Loss” – Yom Kippur
- “Taking Abraham's Journey” – Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- “Israel: The Sealed Room in Which We're Clustered Together” – Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- “Choices That Matter” – Kol Nidre
- “The Knowable and the Unknowable” – Yom Kippur
- "Shalom, Shalom , La-Rakhok v'la Karov" - Erev Rosh Hashanah
- "Questions That Can Give Life Meaning" - Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- "Jewish Life in Multi-Cultural America" - Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- "Creating a Yom Kippur Home Page" - Kol Nidre
- "Alone and Together - Reflections on 'Bnei Maron' in the U'Netaneh Tokef " - Yom Kippur
- "Pray with a Community" - Erev Rosh Hashanah
- "Fiddler on the Roof" - Rosh Hashanah Day 1
- "The Ties that Bind Us" - Rosh Hashanah Day 2
- "Intimacy in the Age of E-mail" - Yom Kippur
- "Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die" - Yizkor, Yom Kippur
Friday, March 14 2025
14 Adar 5785
Friday, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785
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