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Planned Giving

Planned giving is a wonderful way to support Temple Aliyah's endowment.  It also can offer great benefits to you.  Planned giving options include:

Current Gifts

Current gifts to the endowment are fully tax deductible, subject to the Tax Code’s percentage limitations. You can give cash or securities. Contributing appreciated securities not only generates a charitable deduction but also permits you to avoid realizing a capital gain on the appreciation. If you would like to make a substantial gift but want to structure it to be paid over a number of years, you may make a charitable pledge.  Also, if you have established a private foundation or a donor-advised fund, please consider making a grant to the endowment from that source (but such a grant should not be used to satisfy a pledge).

Retained Income

Retained income gifts permit you to convert appreciated assets into an income stream during lifetime without generating a current capital gains tax, and permit a current deduction for the charitable interest. At death, the remaining funds would be added to the Temple Aliyah endowment. Such a gift could take the form of a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Gift Annuity.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is another opportunity to provide for the endowment. Consider adding a gift to the endowment in your will or revocable trust.  It would provide a lasting legacy and also generate an estate tax deduction. Also consider naming the endowment as a beneficiary of a portion of your IRA or qualified retirement plan—such a gift would pass free of both estate tax and income tax.

Members of the Endowment Committee would be happy to speak with you or your advisors about options for tax-wise giving, and would be happy to provide language for properly designating the endowment in your estate plan. For more information, please contact Heydon Traub or Geoffrey Kurinsky, Co-Chairs of the Temple Aliyah Endowment Committee, or submit the Inquiry Form and a member of the Endowment Committee will contact you as soon as possible.

Friday, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785