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Temple Aliyah Tribute Funds

You can acknowledge life cycle events by making tribute donations that help meet needs that might not otherwise be adequately met. Tribute donations may be made to honor a birthday, anniversary or special occasion; to express sympathy; to honor the memory of a loved one, or simple to say “thank you” to a teacher or a friend. There are a variety of ways this can be done at Temple Aliyah. We regret we cannot process credit card payments at this time. 

Please review the list below of our funds, then click here to make a donation online,  call the synagogue office at (781) 444-8522, or stop by the office and complete a donor envelope. Your generous contributions are greatly appreciated by Temple Aliyah. 

High Holiday Appeal 2021/5782

This fund helps to bridge the gap between the expenses and the revenue in order to successfully meet all the operational needs of Temple Aliyah.

General (unrestricted) 

Donations support the ongoing religious, educational, and social action work of our Congregation.

Barbara Stein Garden  

This fund maintains and enhances the garden in front of the main entrance to our synagogue.

Cantor Harry Gelman Music Education

Named in memory of our long-term former Cantor, to promote musical activities and education.

Chet and Barbara Feldman Jewish Youth Programming 

The fund assists youth in our community pursuing Jewish youth programs in the summer and throughout the year, making it possible for children who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend or participate.

Community Caring (Hesed)

This fund provides a variety of support activities for our synagogue community, as overseen by our Hesed Committee, including, for example, assistance for bereaved families such as food deliveries during shiva; home and hospital visits; assistance to the elderly and/or infirm, rides to religious services, doctors' appointments or shopping.

Edna Gelman Library 

Named in memory of Edna Gelman to revitalize and maintain Temple Aliyah’s library.

Gan Aliyah Preschool

Donations to the Gan Aliyah Preschool Fund support and enhance our educational program for our youngest children at Temple Aliyah.

Israel Kesher

Donations are used to educate members of our synagogue on the many issues that Israel and Israelis face today, and to provide financial support for a variety of projects in Israel.

Jill Segal Memorial Fund

The congregation is grateful to announce that David and the family have established the Jillian Segal Memorial Fund at Temple Aliyah in Jill’s honor and memory. This fund will support a number of initiatives, including creative programming at Temple Aliyah geared toward community education, especially on topics related to Judaism and the role of Jews in the world.

Marcia Levin Scholarship 

An annual scholarship award given to given to one outstanding member of the 7th grade class at Mercaz Aliyah who will be pursuing continued Jewish education at Hebrew College's Prozdor or a comparable Jewish academic program.

Mercaz Aliyah

Funds are used to supplement the Mercaz Aliyah budget to provide educational speakers, programs, and materials to enhanc our children's Jewish education.

Passport to Israel

Passport to Israel is a savings incentive program that encourages families to start saving early for a child's educational Israel experience, which is vital in forming their adult Jewish identity. Contributions to this fund help the Temple match parents' contributions.

Robert Freeman Scholarship 

A $500 per year renewable (up to 4 years) scholarship to support a qualified and deserving Mercaz Aliyah student who wishes to pursue further studies at Hebrew College's Prozdor.


This fund will ensure that the Temple continues to maintain and improve security systems, training and capabilities in order to best protect the membership, clergy and staff.

Synagogue Enhancement

This fund contributes to maintaining and improving the appearance and beauty of our building and grounds.

Mishpacha Aliyah

Donations to Mishpacha Aliyah at Temple Aliyah support family programming specifically designed to connect elementary school aged kid—whether in public schools, Jewish day schools or independent schools—and their parents in a variety of Shabbat, holiday, and social events.

Temple Tots

Donations to Temple Tots at Temple Aliyah support family programming and outreach to new families with children up to age 5. Temple Tots engages families with young children in a wide range of activities: Tot-friendly services, Music with Margie toddler classes, Kabbalat Shabbat services & dinners, our Sunday Brunch Learning Series, and special social and holiday events throughout the year.

Book Funds

These funds support the purchase of Siddurim (prayerbooks), Humashim (Bibles), and other liturgical materials, based on the needs of the community.

Prayer Book ($36.00 minimum)

Provides funds for the purchase, as needed, of Siddurim (prayerbooks) for our community. Contibuted volumes may be inscribed with a bookplate in honor or memory of a loved one.

Chumash ($72.00 minimum)

Provides funds for the purchase, as needed, of Chumashim (Bibles) for our community. Contributed volumes may be inscribed with a bookplate in honor or memory of a loved one.

Yahrzeit Plaques

Yahrzeit plaques memorializing a loved one are mounted on special yahrzeit boards in the Sanctuary, and these are lit around the time of the anniversary of the beloved’s death—and all are also lit on days on which Yizkor is recited. Download an order form or contact Lisa Bello for more information about ordering a plaque.

Tree of Life ($118 minimum)

Inscribe a leaf for any of life’s celebrations. These are intended to honor special milestones in your family’s life or in the life of a fellow Temple member.  When a contribution is made, a leaf will be added to the Tree of Life outside the Chapel. The funds will be used for general operating purposes.

How to Establish a Memorial Fund at Temple Aliyah   

We welcome you to add to the list of Temple Aliyah Funds. Several opportunities exist for new funds to provide programs to support needs of Temple Aliyah that might not otherwise be possible. You may obtain naming rights for a fund provided that the fund is established with a beginning principal amount as determined by the Board of Trustees from time to time. Various creative methods exist for initial funding. Contact either the President, Treasurer or Endowment Committee Chair for more information and to discuss potential new funds. The establishment of all new funds are subject to approval by the Temple Aliyah Board of Trustees.

Special Discretionary Funds

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

There are many instances during the year when Rabbi Perkins recognizes a particular need within our Jewish community. The fund allows him to provide confidential assistance at his discretion. You can now contribute online or opt for billing, or mail a check to Temple Aliyah, c/o Elisa Gordon and make the check payable to “Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund”.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund

There are many instances during the year when Cantor Gloth recognizes a particular need within our Jewish community. The fund allows him to provide confidential assistance at his discretion. You can now contribute online or opt for billing, or mail a check to Temple Aliyah, c/o Elisa Gordon and make the check payable to “Cantor’s Discretionary Fund”.

Temple Aliyah Endowment Funds

The Temple Aliyah Endowment Fund

A gift to the Temple Aliyah Endowment Fund is an investment in our community's future; to ensure that our children and grandchildren will have the same opportunity to learn and carry forward our Jewish values.

An Endowment Fund is a pool of assets held separately from Temple Aliyah's general funds and is subject to the legal restriction that only its "income" may be used for general operating purposes. Endowed Funds may be restricted or unrestricted for use but in all cases the intent is to only use the income of the fund for the specified purpose and thereby preserve the principle in perpetuity. An endowment supports financial sustainability, providing resources for the Temple and its current programs as well as preparing for future needs. Like a savings account, an endowment fund earns interest. Each year, approximately 3-5% of the fund is drawn, assuring that the original funds will grow over time.  These funds help the Temple meet its annual operating budget. The larger the endowment, the more the Temple can draw on to support targeted programs, help keep memberships affordable, and perform important maintenance projects.

Unrestricted Funds

Our current unrestricted Endowment funds are invested in the Jewish Community Endowment Pool, LLP (JCEP) which is managed by professional investment advisors. The Board of Trustees may use distributed income in any way it deems appropriate, just as it now determines how to utilize dues and current gifts.

Restricted Funds

A number of Temple members and their families have set up restricted endowment funds for the benefit of the Temple Aliyah community.  These funds are designated by the donors to be used for specific purposes with the income used for this purpose and the principle preserved. Restricted endowment funds may be named in someone’s honor or memory with a minimum $36,000 donation.

To learn more about how you can contribute to Temple Aliyah's Endowment Funds, contact Heydon Traub or Geoffrey Kurinsky, Co-Chairs of the Temple Aliyah Endowment Committee.

Friday, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785