Sermons by Guest Speakers
Sermons by Guest Speakers
During the summer, as well as on certain special occasions, sermons are given by guest speakers, usually lay members of Temple Aliyah. We also have guest speakers for certain events, such as Shabbaton, or Sisterhood and Men's Club Shabbat. In addition as part of our annual Tikkun Layl Shavuot, we have a series of "Sermon Slams." These are included here.
If you would like to give a sermon, please contact Rabbi Poirier with your idea.
Recent sermons by Rabbi Gordon can be found here.
2024 |
August 24 | Eikev | by Fred Ledley | |
2023 |
September 2 | Ki Tavo | by Naomi Litrownik | |
August 12 | Re'eh | by Gilbert Brodsky | |
July 8 | Mattot-Massei | by Adena Cohen-Bearak | |
July 1 | Chukat-Balak | by Fred Ledley | |
2022 |
June 25 | Shelach Lecha | by Fred Ledley | |
2021 |
September 4 | Nitzavim | by Don Frankel | |
August 28 | Ki Tavo | by Joey Regen | |
August 21 | Ki Teitzei | by Suzanne Brand | |
August 7 | Re'eh | by Joey Baron | |
July 24 | Vaetchanan | You Can't Always Get What You Want by Laurie Rubin | |
July 17 | Devarim | by Gil Brodsky | |
July 10 | Matot - Masei | by Lynn Baum | |
July 3 | Pinchas | The Reward for Action in a time of Plague by Fred Ledley | |
June 5 | Shelach | Home and Homeland by Reva Winston | |
February 27 | Tetzaveh | Jews, Conspiracies and the American Dream: What is Happening and Why Should We Care by Rob Leikind | |
2020 |
August 8 | Eikev | And What Does "and" Mean? by Gil Brodsky | |
August 1 | Va'etchanan | And I Pleaded by Michael Thorner | |
July 25 | Devarim | Hearts that are Supple by Stephen Baum | |
July 18 | Mattot-Mas'ei | So Many Questions by Rebecca Kotkin | |
July 11 | Pinchas | Equal Inheritance, Equal Justice by Lori Resnick | |
July 4 | Hukkat-Balak | Notes on the Double Parashah by Prue Thorner | |
2019 |
November 30 | Toldot | Abraham Begat Isaac by Gil Brodsky | |
August 31 | Re'eh | Worship G-d in Joy by Jill Segal z"l | |
August 24 | Ekev | To Learn and to Teach by Laura Kaufman | |
August 10 | Devarim | My Poland Summer Vacation by Joey Baron | |
August 3 | Mattot-Mas'ei | Journeys by Fred Ledley | |
July 27 | Pinchas | Reason or Chance? by Lynn Dennis | |
July 20 | Balak | Our Ethical Decisions by Eitan Bloostein | |
July 13 | Hukkat | The Death of Miriam by Cantor Jamie Gloth | |
July 6 | Korah | The Sons of Korah did not Die by Stephen Baum | |
June 29 | Shlach L'cha | Finding Meaning in Stories by Naomi Litrownik | |
May 11 | Kedoshim | Be ____ (Fill in the Blank) by Gil Brodsky | |
March 16 | Vayikra | Ron Sadok's Life Journey by Ron Sadok | |
March 2 | Vayakhel | Community of Joy by Rabbi Leslie Gordon | |
February 23 | Ki Tissa | Forgiveness by Rabbi Leslie Gordon | |
2018 |
August 18 | Shoftim | A Drashah for Shoftim by Lynn Dennis | |
August 11 | Re'eh | A Drashah for Re'eh by Judi Greenberg | |
August 4 | Eikev | A Drashah for Eikev by Eitan Bloostein | |
July 28 | Va'etchanan | A Drashah for Va'etchanan by Stephen Baum | |
July 21 | Devarim | A Drashah for Devarim by Laura Kaufman | |
July 14 | Matot-Masei | A Drashah for Matot-Masei by Fred Ledley | |
July 7 | Pinchas | A Drashah for Pinchas by Lindy Lurie | |
June 30 | Balak | A Drashah for Balak by Karen Feldscher | |
June 23 | Chukat | A Drashah for Chukat by Joey Baron | |
May 19 | Erev Shavuot | Sermon Slam- Lynn Baum | |
Sermon Slam- Stephen Baum | |||
Sermon Slam- Gerald Clarke | |||
Sermon Slam- Rabbi William Kaufman | |||
Sermon Slam- Naomi Litrownik | |||
Sermon Slam- Karen Shapiro | |||
Sermon Slam- David Sherman | |||
Sermon Slam- Cantor Linda Sue Sohn | |||
2017 |
December 30 | Vay'hi | Deaths of the Patriarchs by Gil Brodsky | |
December 16 | Miketz | Scholar-in-Residence Mark Sokoll | |
July 31 | Erev Tisha B'Av | Running, juxtaposed by Becca Rausch | |
July 15 | Pinchas | We Are All Foot Soldiers by Evie Weinstein-Park | |
July 8 | Balak | A Drashah for Balak by Sarah Burns | |
May 30 | Erev Shavuot | Sermon Slam- Ethan Fener | |
Sermon Slam- Laura Kaufman | |||
Sermon Slam- Rabbi William Kaufman | |||
Sermon Slam- Peter Krupp | |||
Sermon Slam- Vicki Krupp | |||
Sermon Slam- Naomi Litrownik | |||
April 15 | Hol Hamoed Pesach | Dry Bones: Ezekiel's Valley in Rwanda by Gil Brodsky | |
2016 |
June 11 | Erev Shavuot | Sermon Slam- Lynn Baum | |
Sermon Slam- Stephen Baum | |||
Sermon Slam- Rabbi William Kaufman | |||
Sermon Slam- Don Lassman | |||
Sermon Slam- Naomi Litrownik | |||
Sermon Slam- Lori Resnick | |||
Sermon Slam- David Sherman | |||
Sermon Slam- Cantor Linda Sue Sohn | |||
2015 |
May 23 | Erev Shavuot | Sermon Slam- Lynn Baum | |
Sermon Slam- Stephen Baum | |||
Sermon Slam- Fred Borgenicht | |||
Sermon Slam- Rabbi William Kaufman | |||
Sermon Slam- Naomi Litrownik | |||
Sermon Slam- Lori Resnick | |||
January 31
Dvar by Aliza Berger
January 10
Sisterhood Shabbat- Guest Speaker Rabbi Abby Sosland Part 1
Sisterhood Shabbat- Guest Speaker Rabbi Abby Sosland Part 2
2014 |
December 20
A Drashah for Miketz by Stephen Baum
December 14
Shabbaton Guest Speaker- Rabbi Bradley Artson (Sunday morning, Part 1)
Shabbaton Guest Speaker- Rabbi Bradley Artson (Sunday morning, Part 2)
December 13
Shabbaton Guest Speaker- Rabbi Bradley Artson
November 1
Lech L'cha
Guest speaker- Yehuda Yaakov, Counsul General of Israel to New England
August 22
A Drashah for Re'eh by Stephen Baum
August 16
A Drashah for Eikev by Susan Maxwell
August 9
A Drashah for V'Etchanan by David Farbman
August 2
A Drashah for D'varim by Evie Weinstein-Park
July 26
A Drashah for Masei by Richard Kesner
July 12
A Drashah for Pinchas by Joey Baron
July 5
A Drashah for Balaak by Naomi Litrownik
January 25
"A Hand of Loving Kindness" by Sisterhood Shabbat Guest Speaker Sarah Abramson
2004-2008 |
February 2, 2008
Interest by Rabbi Sonia Saltzman
April 29, 2006
Lashon Hara by Professor Leonard Saxe
Pesach 2005
Tales of the Afikoman by Rabbi Leslie Gordon
September 4, 2004
Ki Tavo
The Ultimate Curse by Rabbi Leslie Gordon
Monday, February 10 2025
12 Shevat 5785
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