April 6 |
Shabbat HaChodesh |
A New Calendar of Liberation - Day 183 |
June 11 |
Naso |
June 4 |
Bamidbar |
Notes for Torah Discussion " The Significance of the Wilderness"
Why was Torah Given in the Wilderness?
May 28 |
Bechukotai |
Swords, Spears, and Other Weapons |
May 21 |
BeHar |
Why Teach the laws of Shmittah at Mount Sinai? |
May 14 |
Emor |
May Our Bread Never Grow Stale |
May 7 |
Kedoshim |
Yom HaAtzmaut: From "Tikvateinu" to "Hatikvah" |
April 30 |
Achrei Mot |
It Wasn't the First Time: Plagues in Jewish History
April 23 |
Pesach 8 |
Yizkor: What Kinds of Memories Does it Evoke? |
April 22 |
Pesach 7 |
Turning Points on the Struggle |
April 16 |
Pesach 1 |
What Would Ahad Ha-Am Say About the Historicity of Moses? |
April 9 |
Metzora/ Shabbat HaGadol |
Why Sunflowers Belong on the Seder Plate This Year
April 2 |
Tazria/ Shabbat HaChodesh |
March 26 |
Shmini/ Shabbat Parah |
Celebrating 100 Years of Bat Mitzvah |
March 5 |
Pekudei |
February 26 |
Vayakhel |
The Message(s) of the Lev Shalem Siddur |
February 19 |
Ki Tissa |
Moses: An Effective Speaker with Impeded Speech (In Observance of Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month)
February 5 |
Terumah |
Amnesty for Whoopi Goldberg |
January 29 |
Mishpatim |
Jewish Perspectives on Abortion |
January 22 |
Yitro |
Lessons in the Wake of Colleyville |
January 1 |
Va'era |
What if the Exodus Never Happened? |
December 25 |
December 18 |
Vayechi |
A "Torah of Hesed" on Hesed shel Emet |
December 4 |
Hanukkah |
How Will We Re-dedicate Ourselves? |
November 27 |
Vayeshev |
Accepted -- For Who We Are |
November 20 |
Vayishlach |
Two Jews Who Lived Exemplary Jewish Lives -- in Two Very Different Ways |
November 13 |
Vayetzei |
God is the Place |
November 6 |
Toldot |
A New Look At Esau |
October 30 |
Chayei Sarah |
What Was Isaac doing in the Field?
Study Guide to What Was Isaac Doing in the Field |
October 23 |
Vayera |
Posture Makes Perfect
Notes for D'var Torah on "Posture Makes Perfect" |
October 16 |
Lech Lecha |
To Go Where No Man - Or Woman -- Has Gone Before |
October 9 |
Noach |
Moving Beyond Regret |
October 2 |
Parashat Toldot |
September 11 |
Shabbat Shuvah |
From Lech Lecha to Vayelech |
June 26 |
Balak |
June 19 |
Chukat |
The First Juneteenth |
June 12 |
Korach |
May 29 |
Beha'alotcha |
The Evolution of the Menorah |
May 8 |
Behar/ Bechukotai |
Standing Up Straight? or Demonstrating Humility? |
May 1 |
Emor |
A Disaster Strikes |
April 24 |
Achrei Mot/Kedoshim |
The Power of the Bystander |
April 17 |
Tazria-Metzora |
April 10 |
Shemini |
Why Do We Keep Kosher? |
March 27 |
Shabbat HaGadol |
What are Three Questions raised by Pesach, Matzah and Maror? |
March 20 |
Vayikra |
Love the Stranger |
March 13 |
Vayakhel |
We are not Biblical Jews -- Especially on Passover |
February 26 |
Purim |
"Who Knows?" on Purim and Passover |
January 30 |
B'shallach |
Taking That Critical First Step |
January 16 |
Va-era |
Resisting the Influence |
January 9 |
Shemot |
Responding to Desecration: Cultivating Reverence |
January 2 |
Vayechi |
Moving Beyond "Hello, Louis!" |
Excerpt from So That Your Values Live On -- Ethical Wills and How to Prepare Them, by Jack Riemer and Nathaniel Stampfer |
December 26 |
Vayigash |
The Beginning of the End |
December 19 |
Miketz |
What are the lessons of the Joseph story for our own day and age? |
December 5 |
Vayishlach |
Who Is the Victim in the Dinah Story? |
November 21 |
Toledot |
Guarding Ourselves - And Others - From Evil Speech |
November 7 |
Vayera |
"Truth from the earth will sprout" |
June 20 |
Shelach Lecha |
Juneteenth: What Really Happened - And Does It Matter? |
May 23 |
B'midbar |
"Get Back To Where You Once Belonged" |
May 9 |
Emor |
Keeping Time and Maintaining Holy Time |
March 14 |
Ki Tissa |
How to Respond to Uncertainty |
March 7 |
Tetzaveh |
Shabbat Zachor |
February 1 |
Remarks before the Prayer for Our Country and the Prayer for Israel |
January 18 |
Reflections on My Rabbinate |
Vayishhlach |
A Difficult Week |
December 8 |
Miketz |
"Do You Believe in Magic?" |
December 1 |
Vayeshev |
Even a Little Something Can Go a Long Way |
November 17 |
Vayetzei |
"Is Life Fair?" |
November 10 |
Toldot |
"Two nations struggling in the womb" |
November 3 |
Hayyei Sarah |
After Pittsburgh, What's Changed? |
October 27 |
Vayera |
Holy Chutzpah |
October 6 |
Bereshit |
Are Judaism and Evolution Compatible? |
October 1 |
Shemini Atzeret |
Just One More Day! |
September 22 |
Ha'Azinu |
Why Do We Sit in the Sukkah? |
June 16 |
Korach |
Korach the Populist |
June 9 |
Shelach Lecha |
"Forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement" |
June 2 |
B'Ha'alotcha |
A Life-Changing Experience |
May 12 |
Behar-Behukkotai |
Three Approaches to Economic Inequality |
May 5 |
Emor |
What's in a name? |
April 28 |
Achrei Mot-Kedoshim |
"Don't Stand Idly By!" |
April 21 |
Tazria-Metzora |
Another Kind of Malignant Speech |
March 17 |
Vayikra |
Let My People Come |
March 10 |
Vayekhel-Pekudei |
Completing Creation |
February 17 |
Terumah |
"When Adar Enters, We Increase Our Rejoicing" |
November 18 |
Toldot |
Study Sheet - A Gendered Look at Looking Through a Window |
October 28 |
Lech Lecha |
Who Was Abraham? |
July 1 |
Hukkat |
The Politics of Anger |
June 24 |
Korach |
Korach the Demagogue - Source Sheet |
June 10 |
Beha'alotcha |
"Things Fall Apart" |
June 3 |
Naso |
Heroes Then and Now |
May 20 |
Behar Behukkotai |
"Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land, Unto All Its Inhabitants Thereof" |
May 13 |
Emor |
Expressing True Love Toward the Living and the Dead |
January 28 |
Va'era |
"Liar, Liar" |
January 21 |
Shemot |
"Is There a Blessing for the Czar?" |
Study Sheet: The Duty, Opportunity and Challenge of Praying for the Government |
December 24 |
Vayeshev |
What Does the Joseph Story Have to Teach Us About Chanukah and Christmas? |
November 26 |
Hayei Sarah |
The Importance of Gratitude |
November 12 |
Lech Lecha |
Lessons for Our New President Elect from Abraham |
May 14 |
Kedoshim |
Refraining from Being a "Scoundrel Within the Bounds of the Torah" |
April 9 |
Shabbat HaHodesh |
Who Owns the Exodus? Who Owns the Seder? Who Owns the Haggadah? Who Owns the Hebrew language? |
March 12 |
Pekudei |
Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohein Kook |
March 5 |
Vayakhel |
Vayakhel: "And he Assembled." For Constructive or Destructive Ends? |
November 28 |
Vayishlach |
Being Grateful Before, During and After Thanksgiving |

November 21 |
Vayetze |
Jacob the Refugee |
November 14 |
Toldot |
Sibling Rivalry and Religious Violence |
November 7 |
Hayei Sarah |
How and How Not to Read the Bible |
October 24 |
Lech Lecha |
It Isn't Easy |
October 17 |
Noach |
May 29 |
Naso |
When Paying Attention is Hard To Do |
May 9 |
Emor |
February 28 |
Tetzaveh |
Part 1 |
Tetzaveh |
Part 2 |
February 7 |
Yitro |
Part 1 |
Yitro |
Part 2 |
January 24 |
Bo |
January 3 |
Vayechi |
Study sheet for Vayechi- Jacob's Blessings |